Jan 4 2021 Welcome Back! Teams Assignments Review & Catch Up + 2021 Vision Board Creation.


1. Welcome Back & Updated & Reaffirming Covid19 Classroom Protocols.

*Masks on at all times with exception of at desk (if desired). I would recommend wearing your masks at all times unless eating or drinking.

*Anytime you are moving within the classroom, doing group work, cleaning etc. - masks are ON!

*Updated requirement to remain seated in your rows until dismissed in rows. No getting up and bunching near doors prior to departure.

*NO moving around the room to sit near friends unless working in groups re: assigned work - then masks on. 

*NO friends to visit the classroom at breaks. Please let them know.

*To remain cleaning our space - desks and chairs - prior to departure. 

2. Review of editing/grammar suggestions - for the class. 

Don’t Use/Stop Using:
Like (at the start of sentences)
Because (at the start of sentences)
But (at the start of sentences)

Be sure to use:

*Periods - commas.
*Idea - restate the question if you are unsure as to how to start your answer.
*Be sure to always provide a summative statement at the end of your paragraphs/short answers. 
*Don't be afraid to use the word 'that' 
e.g. I think school should be shorter.
e.g. I think that school should should shorter
Side note: Use I believe vs. I think

3. Laptops - Review of Office 365 Teams Assignments.

Time for - Reviewing marks to date & catch up time for any missing assignments. 

Update your cover letters and resumes specifically. Make all changes and resubmit your work.

4. Next Up: Time to work on next assignment - Creation of Digital Vision Board - Your Vision/Goals/Needs/Wants for 2021. 

Review of Word Photo - how to insert, size and frame photos. 

Upload to Teams - Assign 12. 


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